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Custom Clearance & Transport


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Ocean Freight & Groupage Operations

We assist in the custom clearance procedures as well as land transportation requirements of your goods. Speedy Customs clearance represents a challenge to all importers/exporters of cargo and with our experience in clearance and delivery, costly delays can be avoided reducing costs and improving customer service.

Metropolis Dubai act as a consultant/executes customs clearance to our customers, sharing our area of expertise to ensure their business is not unduly affected by the final step in the logistics chain.

We ship to 24 countries in Africa and 38 countries around the world. For fast requirements, we equally undertake freight shipments which take approximately a week for goods to be received. We equally assist in cases where the goods do not warrant a full container by arranging for groupage while making the necessary custom arrangements.

We are as well involved in import operations from several countries with varying products ranging from timber and Woodstock to food items as well as other raw materials. In addition, we ensure the documentation is complete and up to date.