Metropolis Dubai - The World at Your Feet

Mon-Sat: 07:00 - 17:00

24h Emergency Service

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Call Us:+971527481572

Dubaï, United Arab Emirates

About us

Metropolis Dubai

Who we are

As a seasoned freelance enterprise, we believe that “The best investment is in the tools individuals use for their projects”. At METROPOLIS Dubai, we provide the necessary tools to enable you to achieve results while considering a visit, a purchase, or a business investment in the UAE. These results could be in terms of setting up new projects in the Emirates, meeting potential business partners and expanding avenues, reducing cost by gaining competitive advantage through purchases while in any part of the world as well as embarking on a comfortable and affordable vacation with family and friends here in Dubai.

Our team of empathetic and professional experts will meet up your needs and satisfy your demands timely. We understand that success is not the key to happiness, hence we at Metropolis Dubai ensure your happiness which will, in turn, bring you success in various targeted areas. We undertake varying services ranging from advisory, visa processing, flight management, tourism, purchases, import and exports, as well as business opportunities.

24 Hour Emergency Service

We undertake varying services ranging from advisory, visa processing, flight management, tourism, purchases, import and exports, as well as business opportunities.


Working Hours

Monday- Friday: 9:00am-10:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm

Sunday: 11:00am-6:00pm